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So these are all old demo songs of mine that I plan on completing with my amazing friends that are superior musicians who along with my new studio can maybe get these songs to the level of what I hear in my head when I write these demos. The reason they are here is I want to show the path of conception to completion. I am blessed to be surrounded by all the great musicians that have inspired me and kept me gigging all these years. A lot of these were written with just loops and construction kits and the songs really came to be with me just writing lyrics over the structures I arranged from the kits . Some came from simple chord progressions and maybe a guitar part I played. Regardless none of them could become what I hear in my head without the contributions of the musicians I have been lucky enough to surround myself with. The latest upgrades to my studio have finally begun to bring everything up to a professional level of sound quality. Looking forward to what comes next. When these songs are redone with my new system I promise you will understand my process of idea to demo to professional recording.

 What It Means To Fly was a demo idea written with Mixcraft Studio Pro 8 DAW . I wrote the lyrics and arranged the song structure to form this demo. One I may revisit in Cubase 10 later and record with friends. I particularly had fun singing the chorus on this track .

Believe In Love was a demo idea written with Mixcraft Studio Pro 8. I wrote the lyrics and arranged the song structure to form this demo. Alan Haynes did a one take solo that is still my favorite. If we ever complete the song and rerecord the song his solo is the only thing that I wouldn’t change.

Who she Wants Me To Be was a demo idea written with Mixcraft Studio Pro 8 DAW. I wrote the lyrics and arranged the song structure to form this demo. I wrote the lyrics for my Cathy and this one was influenced by me listening to my friend Robert Wagner’s first solo album.

You’re In My heart was a demo idea I wrote and recorded in Mixcraft Studio Pro 8 DAW. I wrote the lyrics and arranged the song structure to form this demo. I played the keyboard and string lines and also the rhythm guitar. Alan Haynes again did a one take solo. The progression was taken from watching The Axis of Awesome comedy group who said all you have to do to write a hit song is use these 4 chords. So I tried and this is what happened. I wrote the lyrics about my Cathy and the whole demo took about a hour to do and I guess they were right because I get a lot of people who seem to like this song.

Hash Pipe was a demo idea written with Mixcraft Studio Pro 8 DAW. I wrote the lyrics and arranged the song structure to form this demo. When I redo this one it will be with Les Fisher on drums, Selton Cole on bass, and Jake Sherad on guitar and I might be in a clown suite when I sing it. LOL

Party With The Devil was a demo idea written with Mixcraft Studio Pro 8 DAW. I had a great time on this one writing the lyrics and arranging the song.

Sing Me Away was a demo idea that started with a simple chord progression I did. Alan did a guitar part over it and then Brian Lee added a rhythm part the following day. Then I had Les Fisher add a bass line after that. I also had my friend Chris add a nice violin line but it was lost in the computer upgrade to Cubase 10. I really like the potential on this one, kind of a Steely Dan type groove. Looking forward to revisiting this one.

Another one of the last Mixcraft songs created before moving to Cubase 10. Want to revisit it at some point also. I really had just got started with my vision of this song. Don’t really know where this one came from just kind of out of the blue and into my mind.

No Stone Is Left Unturned was a demo idea written with Mixcraft Studio Pro 8 DAW. I wrote the lyrics and arranged the song structure to form this demo. My buddy Dave from Flamenco Symphony is on guitar but he was just messing around and didn’t even know I was recording but he helped me get what I needed to revisit this song later. I couldn’t even write more than the first verse but I think eventually this might be a full song.

Hey People was a demo idea written with Mixcraft Studio Pro 8 DAW. I wrote the lyrics and arranged the song structure to form this demo. I learned some producer tricks when I mixed this one.

Too Deep In The water was a demo idea written with Mixcraft Studio Pro 8 DAW. I wrote the lyrics and arranged the song structure to form this demo. Never really got past the verse and chorus but I like something about it. Would like to see it come to its full potential.